Governmental agencies or multinational companies that need to rescue or retrieve citizens from across international borders can contact us for a rapid response and experienced flight crew that can speak multiple languages. We also help deal with authorities, documentation, and even medical assistance that may be required along with repatriation.

While many countries around the world have tentatively begun to reopen their borders, others, wary of new Covid-19 variants, have continued to restrict travel and suspend international routes in order to limit the spread of the virus.

Unable to fly back home?

As a result of changing circumstances, the ability of individuals to travel between foreign countries and their country of residence continues, in many places, to be severely curtailed. They are unable to transit through foreign countries or to travel to airports to catch their flights home. The situation is made more arduous because of difficulties with visas or travel permits to transit countries or even to enter their countries of residence.

This has meant that many individuals have been left stranded in foreign countries as a result of these bans or those affected by a crisis overseas (such as natural calamities, industrial accidents, terrorist attacks, major political unrest, etc.) that cause disruption and hardship have had to turn to governments and airlines to bring them home via repatriation flights.

Working closely with Government Officials

Flight providers have had to work closely with government officials at home and abroad to determine and obtain the necessary approvals in order to get people back home in a safe and timely manner. To illustrate, in 2020 alone, India-based diplomatic missions from across continents repatriated around 40,000 nationals – which has been described as one the biggest evacuation exercises in human history in recent decades. And the evacuation of nationals from numerous countries, including the Netherlands, Ireland, Uzbekistan, Oman, South Korea, Italy, Belarus, Bhutan, Iran, Bulgaria, Spain, Switzerland, and the Czech Republic was facilitated as well.

Repatriation flights help to mitigate the risk of catching the virus as compared to commercial flights as the flights carry only a reduced number of passengers. Where a passenger who opts for commercial aviation might come into contact with over 900 touchpoints, those who choose private air travel will only encounter around 30 touchpoints.

Repatriation flights are quicker than Commercial Flights

Repatriation flights are also a quicker option for agencies trying to help bring nationals back to their country than commercial flights. Travelers will be able to eschew long airport queues and the many other travel procedures that are part and parcel of taking a commercial flight, and get on board quickly and without hassle. This also affords those taking the repatriation flight a measure of privacy, which is of the essence in some circumstances.

The JetzCorp Charter Advantage

Thanks to JetzCorp’s expertise and knowledge in assisting in relief efforts, individuals requiring evacuation from areas of risk and emergency situations abroad can be safely and quickly brought back home. Governmental agencies or multinational companies that need to rescue or retrieve citizens from across international borders can contact us for rapid response as the JetzCorp Group can reach any part of the world within short notice for any emergency.

We have an experienced flight crew that can speak multiple languages and can assist travelers. We know that time is critical so we also help deal with authorities, documentation, and even medical assistance that may be required along with repatriation at short notice.

Have more questions about chartered Repatriation Flights? Contact JetzCorp today for all your queries and booking information.